Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Archived Daily Messages

Good Morning 3MC!

Today is Thrilling Thursday. Hope you are managing to find all the daily lessons and activities that the Year 3 team are putting on our webpage.

Our timetable for today is...

* Reading comprehension. Using the Cave Painting text from yesterday, please answer the comprehension questions today. You can either write the answer down clearly or if you can answer in full sentences, that would be fabulous! 

* English - Re read your paragraph of your non-chron today and change anything you feel could be improved. Write the next paragraph so think of what the heading is and what information you can remember for that paragraph. As always, check your spellings and punctuation and of course, work on your presentation. Is your handwriting the best it can be?! 

* Maths - Have a go at Thursday's activity in the maths folder. 

* We would've had silent reading and book changing today so find a comfy place in your house, grab a drink and a blanket and snuggle up with a good book! You could read your reading book, library book or any book you have in your house. We'll have to continue with Varjak Paw on our return to school. 

* History - please look at the History activity below all about the types of shelters during the Stone Age time. 


I hope that you are all ok. Remember to smile everyday and be the best you can be!


Take care,


Miss Cropper 

Hello 3HN

I've put a good morning video on the Video Centre for you.


Hi children

It is Wednesday today so children in 3HN we would be doing;

  • A reading comprehension (see Cave Painting comprehension below)
  • The next paragraph of our non-chronological report - take care with your capital letters and full stops. Imagine you have your book in front of you and just continue on from yesterday. Your paragraph could be about what goes on in school or staff and children or the outdoors. You choose!
  • Wednesday Maths activity (go through the teaching slide and powerpoint first, it will revise what we know and take you through the next steps)
  • Geography - researching rivers on Espresso and Oddizzi
  • PE!
  • You can email the year 3 team on Year3@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk to send us any work or if you need to ask us anything


Keep reading, practising your spellings and your times tables.

Mrs Holmes

Hi 3MC,

I was really looking forward to seeing you today and all your lovely smiley faces! 

Today is Wonderful Wednesday so our timetable is:

* Reading Comprehension (See Cave Painting Comp below) Please read silently to yourself and then aloud to an adult if possible. Work on your fluency and reading in an audible voice. Any new vocabulary (words) please look up in a dictionary or ask an adult if you aren't sure what they mean. WE WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TOMORROW. 

* English - You have started your non-chron with Mrs Milne so today you would've been writing the next paragraph. Imagine you have your mind map in front of you and all your research notes. What was your first heading called?..

 Please write the next paragraph. Remember what makes a great non-chron...heading, extended sentences, adjectives, you could even draw your own picture and include a caption. Presentation is super important so best handwriting please and check your punctuation. 

* Maths - Look at the maths folder and follow Wednesday's lesson and powerpoint. 

* Geography - We are continuing to learn about rivers. Look at Espresso and Oddizzi webpages. 

* PE - We know you can't go outside so how about loading up a Joe Wicks workout on Youtube or perhaps making up your own exercises at home - I definitely will be doing this as no gym for me :(  Keep working on strengthening those muscles! 

* Practising spellings and reading


Keep checking on here for daily messages from me or Mrs Milne, 

Miss Cropper x 
