Didsbury Road Primary School

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Week 2 8.11.21

You will find videos of Maths, English, some other lessons and Storytime in the Video Centre or below the listed lessons from the home page. Videos for all of these lessons will be available from tomorrow.


Home page- Home Learning - Video Centre

If you have any questions email the Year 3 email- year3@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk - Write your name and class in the Subject box e.g. Joe Bloggs - Miss Cropper, 3HC. You can also use the email address to email us your work, or you can bring this in to show us in person on you return to school. 



Monday 15th November


LO: To create ideas for a story.

This week we are starting our new topic on the book 'Funnybones'. Watch the story being read on the YouTube link below.


You can also read the story below.


Then, think or talk about these questions:

- Who are the main characters in the story?

- What is the setting?

- Which words and phrases are repeated in the story? Why do you think this is?


Next, pick one of the other Funnybones stories from the book covers below. What do you think might happen in the story? What do you think the skeletons will do? If you can, act it out!

Make a list of things the skeletons could do. Remember to use exciting and interesting verbs and as a challenge you could use adverbs. (Remember your lesson on this last week!)



Complete the activities below children. Then could you please choose 6 to 10 words from your activity that you think you could learn this week. Practise them each day using all the different ways we have taught you and on Friday you can be tested by an adult to see if you can remember them. Daily practice is important because it then helps you to spell them in your everyday writing. wink

Words with ei, eigh and ey


3HN you have been working so hard on your handwriting joins.

10 minutes each day!

This week we are going to practise joining from the letter i. Below are 2 photographs of the pages in the book we would be using. Use some lined paper if you have some. If not you could use spare pages out of a book from Year 2. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Only move on to p17 if you have really conquered the joins on p16. Capital letters reach the top of the line, lower case letters half way up. Ascenders reach the top of the line and descenders go half way down into the next line. Good luck and remember to relax those hands and let your writing flow!

As requested. Some handwriting paper wink

Please read at home each evening to an adult and sign your reading record. Remember last week we were working hard on paying attention to the punctuation to tell us how to read, using our voice differently for characters or for how something should be read and trying to link our words and sentences together smoothly so that our reading flows well.


Your reading comprehension for this week links to PSHE and Remembrance day which will be for Wednesday afternoon. Scroll down the page on Wednesday  to the PSHE section for the comprehension and video lesson smiley

Please watch the daily Maths lessons in the Videos below.
Maths Lesson Resources

Monday 9th November

Please watch the video below! smiley Today children we are building on from last week and adding 3 and 2 digit numbers together that cross 10 and 100. So as well as carrying a ten from the ones column to the tens column, we may also be carrying a hundred from the tens column over to the hundreds column. Then we can add them up really easily if we have remembered to line up our digits correctly in our Hundreds, Tens and Ones columns.  Remember to set out work neatly and use a ruler for your big = sign.

You can check your work by using one of our other methods e.g. bar method, counter method, part, part whole method. You are so good at this now so show off to your parents and carers.

Any resources you need are below. You can print them out or work them out on paper. Keep all your work together neatly in a book, folder, or another way that keeps all your work together.smiley

Monday 9th November

Still image for this video

Tuesday 10th November

Taking a steady step forward we are building on yesterdays work and adding 2, 3 digit numbers together. This will be done using different representations and the column method. You may need to cross 10 and 100 and sometimes not. This activity requires you to have a good understanding of yesterdays work and build on it a little further. Please watch the lesson in the video below.smiley

Tuesday 10th November Maths Lesson Adding 3 digit numbers.mp4

Still image for this video

Wednesday 11th November

Please watch the lesson below. Today children we are moving on to the subtraction of 3 digits with no exchange of tens or hundreds. You might find this straight forward after the last 2 lessons but you will need to be fabulous at this before you can move on to the lesson tomorrow! So confidence building today and applying what you know to word problems so that we can smash it tomorrow. We are so proud of you Year 3! Keep working hard. wink

Wednesday 11th November Maths Lesson Subtracting 3 digits.mp4

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Here is a lesson from Ms Nolan.


LO: To explore techniques used to create a stop motion animation.


Watch the YouTube videos of animated films below. What is different about these shows? How do you think they are made?

3HN we looked at these videos last week and started to look at how these animations could be made. I would like you to concentrate on this next activity.

Watch the video of how to make a stop motion animation below.

Next, start to think about your own animation based on characters from Funnybones. If possible talk through your ideas with another member of your family. Next week you will be creating a storyboard of your ideas.


LO: To identify some key words in French.


This week we are starting our new topic on 'Ma famille' (the family). Watch the Espresso video. Can you identify some family member names? How do we say 'my' in French? How does 'my' change when are talking about a male or female member?


Use the Powerpoints to help you practise saying the names of family members.


Next week we will learn some of the other family member names.



This week we are building on our work from last week about what people believe in relation to gods. Last week we started looking at the Hindu faith. In the past we have looked at Christians, Muslims, Jewish people and their belief in gods. Last week you worked as a group to ask lots of questions about certain Hindu gods. Wow! You had some amazing questions!

Task 1.This week you are going to concentrate on trying to answer some of your questions.

Below is a document introducing you to 3 of the important Hindu gods. Focus on one of the gods and see if you can answer some of your questions by carrying out some research on the Internet. You could write on one of the sheets or draw your own picture and write some brief sentences.


Hindus say that there are lots of different ways to come to God, lots of ways to understand God. No one should criticise others if their way is different; no one understands God – or ‘Ultimate Reality’ fully.

Statues of the gods and goddesses often have many arms, holding symbolic objects in many of their hands. One hand is often held up, and open – a friendly welcome to the worshipper. These objects symbolise the powers of the god or goddess. If you wanted someone to guide or help you in your life, what powers would you want your helper to have, and why?

Task 2. Take these ideas and design your own image of a powerful helper. Write a short explanation of your symbols.


Last week children we started exploring some dance moves to Michael Jackson's Thriller.


This week I want you to remind yourself of some of the possible moves using the document below.

There are a range of things that you can do children to maintain your fitness at home. Below is a document full of ideas and links. Enjoy your garden space if you have one, take the dogs for a walk, cycle with your family, use a fitness app or go for a run. Please maintain your distance from those outside your household and stay safe children wink

Please watch the Geography lesson in the video below.

To show how rivers change during their course.

To demonstrate understanding of key vocabulary.

Task 1.

We are going to reinforce our knowledge first of all children about the River Mersey. Through watching the following video link we are going to see the journey of our local river. 


Task 2.

Next, watch the following video about the features of a river and the vocabulary that is used to describe particular parts of a river.


Task 3.

After that look at the following document and see if you can label the parts of the river correctly and remember what the river vocabulary means.

Task 4.

Use the flash cards to write definitions about what the parts of the river are and where you will find them. See if you can select 5, stick them on a sheet of paper and keep them to share with the class on your return.

Geography Rivers - River Mersey Journey and Key Vocabulary

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PSHE and Well Being
Watch the video lesson and then complete the relevant comprehension for you to follow up your learningsmiley
Art and DT
3HN Story Time

Chapter 26

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Chapter 27

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Chapter 28

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Chapter 29 Varjak Paw SF Said.mp4

Still image for this video