Spring 2
Spring 2
We are looking forward to some warmer playtimes and lunchtimes and reaching half way through Year 3!
- Maths- Perimeter, Fractions, mass and capacity
- English- We are looking at traditional folktales and stories from other cultures. We will be writing our own folktales with an Indian twist!
- Science- Children will be learning about Light and reflection!
- Geography - Focusing on the River Mersey and going on our River Mersey fieldwork adventure!
- RE- Our big question is "Why do people pray?”
- PSHE- The difference between stealing and borrowing and being responsible
- Art- Mediterranean artists – Picasso and Monet
- ICT- Composing emails
- PSHE - The difference between stealing and borrowing and being responsible
- Music - Composing melodies and recorders
- PE - Tennis/Hockey and continuing gymnastics then moving onto dance
- DT - 3D net structures using Computer Aided Design