Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Subject Leaders: Mrs Partington, Mrs Rowley and Mrs Lagonegro


''Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” - Albert Einstein. 

“Wherever there is number, there is beauty.” Proclus, Greek philosopher.

Whole School Progression Map

Teaching and learning in the subject 

We are a mastery school following White Rose.

We follow the six steps to outstanding teaching and learning in maths (see separate Teaching and Learning Policy). 


Orientation - Each classroom has a maths working wall that displays the current unit of learning. Within this display there are modelled examples of the methods currently being taught, key vocabulary and questions to deepen children’s understanding. Every classroom has a dedicated maths area with manipulatives (concrete resources such as counters, base ten, number lines etc.) for children to access within the lesson.

Prior Knowledge - This is ascertained through the use of ‘Flashback 4’ in years 1-6 at the start of each maths lesson, which is a White Rose resource with 4 questions to review the previous learning. Throughout the school, learning is assessed both informally throughout the lesson and formally at the end of a unit. This ensures that any gaps in learning can be addressed before moving the learning on. 

Presentation - As a mastery school, we believe that children need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning so that future learning is built on solid foundations. Our lessons reflect the 5 big ideas: fluency, variation, mathematical thinking, representation and structure, and coherence. Lessons follow the structure of concrete (using manipulative resources), pictorial (representing a calculation/problem in pictures/diagrams) and abstract (writing the calculation/problem as an equation). Reception - year 2 also follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme. We believe that all children can achieve and enjoy mathematics. 

Challenge - By using the 5 big ideas with our teaching and learning, children are challenged with a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to talk about strategies to problem solve and explain their reasoning and not just be able to give an answer. Years 1 - 6 children can choose a ‘now what’ question from the working wall to further develop and challenge their learning. 

Feedback -  This is precise, timely and often ‘in the moment’. Teachers use direct verbal feedback to address misconceptions and move learning forward. Through group work, children develop their own ‘talk and feedback’ strategies as part of cooperative learning.

Repeat - Recall strategies are applied through ‘Flashback 4’ and questioning to ensure that the learning is in the children’s long term memory.

Maths in EYFS

We aim to ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age. We provide a variety of practical, concrete activities and games that support key mathematical concepts both inside and out. There are six key areas of early mathematics learning which collectively provide a platform for everything children will encounter as they progress through their maths learning at primary school, and beyond: cardinality and counting, comparison, composition, pattern, shape and space, and measures. We provide many opportunities for mathematical investigation and children are encouraged to 'have a go'. We encourage a positive attiutde to maths and support the children to find  connections and to identify patterns and relationships. Our curriculum provides rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills including shape, space and measures.

Inclusion in the subject

See the attached document for adaptive teaching strategies in the areas of:

  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • sensory and/or physical
  • social and emotional

What our pupils say about the subject 

‘I really enjoy problem solving.’ 

‘I love learning my times tables at home!’

‘I like using counters, number lines, 100 squares and my fingers to help me in maths.’

‘If I get stuck, I can ask my friends or my teacher for help.’

