Week 3 17.1.22
Monday 17th January 2022
Year 3 Learning timetable at home and at school
This timetable of subjects each day is a good guide to make sure your week has balance of learning. It will also be useful if some of you are in school some days and at home other days so that your week flows together and hopefully you won't be repeating subjects at home that you have already experienced at school. We are so proud of the way you are all working at home and at school, keep up the fantastic work.
The Year 3 Teachers
Google Classroom
Your username is your school email: Joe.Bloggs@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk
If your surname is hyphenated then the hyphen will appear in your email too.
Your password is: Password1
(Monday, Tuesday 10 minutes each)
This week we are going to be practising joining from the letter a. At the top of the first image p20, it models an example of what your join should be like from the letter a. Use the first image to practise your a join. Use the lines in your book or on your paper to draw your letters the correct shape and size. This is something that we are practising all the time!
Today I want you to work really hard at joining on and off of the letter a. The second image p21 encourages you to do this in the EXTRA section. Keep trying the words until you are happy with your joins.
If you feel you have done really well with your joins, you could move on to the EXTENSION section at the bottom of image 2 p21. This section is demonstrating words within sentences that contain the letter a. Little and often is best to improve your handwriting. Keep working hard! I bet your writing looks amazing at the end of your practice.

This week we will be writing a detailed newspaper report/article about a mountain rescue. You can use your ideas from the 5W's (who what why where when) sheet last Friday or create a new idea about a mountain rescue for the newspaper report.
Each day there will be a teaching video with modelled writing to help you to write a fantastic newspaper report.
Monday- We will plan the newspaper report.
Tuesday- We will do our headline and opening paragraph.
Wednesday- We will write the next paragraph.
Thursday- We will write our next paragraph.
Friday- We will write our final paragraph and edit and improve our news report.
See below for the resources you will need each day.
Look at your plan from yesterday.
Use the notes from the 5W's book to write your opening paragraph.
Watch the video for some modelled writing.
Look at your plan- read your notes for paragraph 1.
Look at the checklist of features of a news report.
Write this paragraph which includes more detail about the 'what'.
Make sure you have used:
- capital letters for names, places and at the start of a sentence
- third person- Eg- he she they Sarah
- past tense- some verbs ending in 'ed'
- commas to mark adjectives in lists and fronted adverbials
Re read your first two paragraphs.
Check your plan.
Write the paragraph explaining how the problem was solved.
Write the paragraph which includes the direct speech.
Check you have used:
- the third person
- past tense
- formal language
Re read your report so far.
Check your plan.
Write the closing paragraph.
Read your work and correct spelling mistakes.
Read it again and correct punctuation mistakes.
Read it again and improve your vocabulary.
Read it again and complete the checklist.
Warm Up
Practise x tables using Hit The Button at home
Let’s choose 3’s today and see how confident we are! If you are really confident with this today, choose another one that you are less confident with and practise that too!
Main Activity
Today we are dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit.
Please watch the video lesson.
Work through the Monday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.
Complete the Monday activity. This can be printed out or write answers in your home learning book. Please don’t copy all of the questions out, just write your answers. Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school! We are particularly looking for good partitioning and x facts using the demonstrated methods.
Check your work alongside the answers.
How did you do today?
Warm Up
Practise division facts using Hit The Button at home
Remember to click division facts today and not x tables!
Let’s choose 3’s today and see how confident we are! If you are really confident with this today, choose another one that you are less confident with and practise that too!
Main Activity
Today we are dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit again. We are consolidating and furthering our learning and confidence!
Please watch the video lesson.
Work through the Tuesday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.
Complete the Tuesday activity. This can be printed out or write answers in your home learning book. Please don’t copy all of the questions out, just write your answers. Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school!
Check your work alongside the answers.Warm Up
Practise x tables and division facts using our circles today. There is a document attached called Wednesday Circles. If you can print this out that would be great. If not then just write the answers for each circle in a list. Do as many as you can in ten minutes, then stop. We shall have another go at this next week to see if we are a little more confident.
Main Activity
Today we are dividing 100 into 2,4,5,10 equal parts.
Please watch the video lesson.
Please work through the Wednesday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.
- Complete the methods on p7 of the PP.
- Now can you use an A4 sheet of paper and cut it into 4 equal strips. With each of the strips, divide them into 2,4,5,10 equal parts.
- Answer the questions on p12
- Use the squares on p14 to divide equally into 2,4,5 and 10 parts.
Write answers in your home learning book. Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school!
Check your work alongside the answers in the PP.
Warm Up
Today we are going to practise our x tables and division facts using a word search type game. You have to find the 4 related facts and circle them. There is an example on the activity Thursday Word Search X tables and division facts. We are doing the activity on p1! The answers if you would like to check are on p2. Please don’t do any of the others as we shall have another go at this later next week. The example they have given is 4,8,32. This is because 4x8=32, 8x4=32, 32 divided by 4 =8 and 32 divided by 8 =4.
Main Activity
Today we are dividing with remainders.
Please work through the Thursday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.
- Use p14 and see if you can answer the challenge. Use counters or money to work out practically and then draw these as counters in your books.
- Challenge yourself with a different amount and see if you an work out the remainder. I challenge you to 5!
e.g. 57 divided by 6 = 9 remainder 3
Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school!
Warm Up
Today is an opportunity to revisit anything you found tricky in the week. This is usually what we do in class to check our understanding and chat about what we need to work on next. It might be a particular x tables or it could be some of the work you have covered this week.
You could repeat one of the warm up activities to see if you are any faster.
You could play TTRS and see if your practice this week has worked for you.
At school we shall consolidate our learning an do the activities below but with objects in school.
Main Activity
If you feel you have coped really well with this week’s work and you don’t need to practise any more of it then let’s do some maths around the house.
Task 1 Look at the clock. What time does it say? Can you write the time down in 4 different ways? Digital, analogue and 24 hour digital and analogue.
Task 2 Fetch some products from your food cupboard. Look at the weights of them. Can you put the weights in ascending order? Remember that is lightest to heaviest!
Task 3 If you have weighing scales in the house weigh some products around your house. Can you place these in descending order (heaviest to lightest)?
Task 4 If someone goes shopping today, see if you can add some of the amounts together. Look at the receipt as we know lots of you won’t be visiting shops at the moment.
The document below lists these tasks.
There is lots of ICT involved in your home learning this week. Navigating the school website, downloading your resources, using websites, using your emails and Google Classroom.
Our actual ICT lesson continues the theme of coding.
LO: To understand how to use visual code to operate a program
We are going to build on our knowledge from last week experimenting with coding.
We are going to watch the video after level 5 on learn.code.org.
It shows you how to use a repeat loop.
We are going to complete the first 5 levels (same as last week, as you need to have done this) then move on until you complete activities 6-10.
What have you learnt today about coding?

French lesson 2.mp4

Number Challenges
Counting activity
Numbers PowerPoint
LO: To explore and locate the UK’s highest mountains
Use the Power Point to introduce you to today's activity.
Now look at the UK Hills and Mountains Activity. Choose 1 of the activities from this document.
Can you locate the UK's highest mountain areas and identify them?
Use this website to help you locate the names of the mountains.
We are going to find out about the Three Peaks Challenge using this website.
What are the Three Peaks?
What are the highest mountains in England, Wales and Scotland?
What is the distance from Stockport to each mountain?
Using Google Maps, how long does it take to drive to each mountain from Stockport?
Record your findings how you would like in your books. Happy exploring
Keeping fit is vital during this time. There will be lots of activities that you enjoy doing and you should aim for 40 minutes each day of fitness.
Below are a couple of documents with suggested activities and links that you can use if you are short of ideas. There are lots of apps and online activities but make sure you also get outdoors with your family for some fresh air when you can, staying safe and keeping your distance from others.
This week we are going to focus again on what we are good at. We are all so good at different things and it is important to celebrate this.
LO: To recognise things I am good at
We would like you to communicate to us what you are good at. It might be flying a kite or writing lyrics for a song! We want to hear about it. We would like to see some evidence of you doing this activity. You could take a photograph and stick it in your books, you could draw a picture and explain to us what is happening. You could use the attached speech bubbles if you like to explain what you are good at. This is a time for you and those around you to celebrate what you can do! WE can't wait to see this work and celebrate with you!
LO: To spell words with the prefixes 'sub-' and 'tele-'
Can you fill in the blanks?
Friday - LO: Using an apostrophe for contraction
When you are joining words together, you can use apostrophes to connect them more easily. By using an apostrophe to contract words, you can turn a phrase of 2 words into a single word by either omitting or rearranging letters.
An example of this process is:
- 'You are' > 'You're' = In this case, the letter 'a' is omitted, completing the contraction.
Have a go at the quiz below. Good luck!
Click on the link below and complete the lesson on Pulse and Rhythm

Friday 22.01.21
Watch the Video Below or work through the Powerpoint on Andy Goldsworthy.
Look at the images of his art in the word document below.
Have a go at creating your own piece of environmental artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
Art Video Friday 22.01.21