Friday 1st October 2021
Please watch the teaching video in the video centre for today's lesson.
Today you will be planning your own Stone Age Boy story and showing it through illustrations on a visual story map.
Some elements of the story can stay the same such as the characters but we would like you to..
* Think about how your boy can be transported to the stone age. Does he fall over something, knock his head and wake up in the stone age, perhaps he falls down a hole somewhere... You decide.
*Next, think of 3 adventures that the boy does with Om and her tribe. Perhaps he builds a raft and they go fishing, maybe tree climbing so they can look out for animals to hunt or learning to light a fire. You decide.
* Finally, decide on what happens to the boy to make him travel back to modern day.
All of these parts of the story and some additional ones from the original story need to be drawn on your story map. This lesson links with art.
I have attached an example of a story map and explained this in the learning video.
Have fun!
Example of story map
Thursday 30th September
Today's English lesson has two parts - a written piece and an art piece! Yes!!
Please watch the teaching video for more information. The resources that you'll need are below or you could complete them in your own work book at home.
Thursday Story write up plan
Thursday Story map to draw
Wednesday 29th September 2021
We are continuing with The Stone Age boy. Please go onto the video centre and watch the teaching video for today. The power point and flipchart are attached to assist you with the activity.
We would like you to write a postcard to the stone age boy's parents. You must try and include fronted adverbials in your writing. The video and resources below with help you with this. Enjoy and we look forward to reading your work!
Fronted Adverbials
Tuesday 28th September
Look at the page from 'Stone Age Boy' of the boy and Om visiting the cave. The page is on a Powerpoint slide below or you could watch the video again. You could also watch the YouTube video below which shows you some cave paintings and will help you imagine the art the boy might have seen.
What do you think the boy might have been thinking or feeling? Write his thoughts and feelings in the thought bubbles on the sheet below. Remember to use different words (synonyms) for feelings. There is a word mat below to help you. Challenge: can you write a short paragraph describing how the boy was feeling as he entered the cave?
Monday 27th September
Watch the video of the 'Stone Age Boy' story in the video centre under 'Year 3 English'. Write down 5 questions you would like to ask the boy and 5 questions you would like to ask Om. You can use the question hand to help you start your questions. Challenge: what do you think their answers might be? Can you choose another character from the story and think of 5 questions you would like to ask them?
Children for this week's comprehension we are going to be reading Hunter with a Heart.
Remember to read the text carefully. Underline any words or phrases that you are unsure about. Can you guess what they mean when you read them within the sentence? We call this reading in context.
Consider what type of text this is. Is it a poem, letter, diary etc.?
Talk about the text with an adult at home before you start looking at the questions. What questions would you ask about the text?
Then look at the questions carefully? What is each question really asking? Can you write good, full answers to the questions?
Fantastic children.
Don't forget to check in to the video centre each day for story time
These are the common exception words that we hope the children can spell by the end of Year 4. We have included Y2-4 so that you can work with your children on spellings relevant to them. Words sent home for homework are linked to the no nonsense spellings, which is a spelling teaching structure that we use in school.
Remember to use a range of strategies;
Look Say Cover Write CHech (LSCWrCh)
Shape doodles
Post its around the house
Snap games
Missing letters
Mnemonics e.g. because = big elephants can't always use side exits
Rhythm e.g. difficulty = Mrs D Mrs I Mrs FFI Mrs C Mrs U Mrs LTY
Practise your letter formation. capital letters reaching the top of the line and the lower case half way up, or your descenders half way down.
Science: Light
You can use the activity sheets if it helps you choosing the 1,2 or 3 star or present your work in your own way.
Lesson 3: Sun Safety
LO: To recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes
Work through the Sun Safety Powerpoint. (linked below) You can miss out the activity on slide 7.
Watch these videos:
How can we protect our eyes?
Create a safety poster to show how to protect our eyes from the sun or create a new pair of super safe sunglasses. Design an advertisement poster or act out a television advert to persuade people to buy them.
Lesson 3: Sun Safety Resources
Stonehenge Art
LO: To create a picture inspired by Stonehenge.
Watch this video about Stonehenge.
Create a picture inspired by Stonehenge. At school, we would have been using paint or pastels to create the background first then we would have cut stone shapes out of black card to stick onto the background to create a Stonehenge inspired picture.
Use what you have at home to create a piece of art inspired by Stonehenge. It can be a drawing, painting, collage or 3D model! If you would like to, please bring your art into school next week to share and receive feedback.
Click on this link for ideas:
I love singing! It fills me with energy and makes be smile!
Click on the links below for these brilliant videos to teach you some fun songs with Mrs Henderson-Wild.
Fun Action Songs! I love these!
Clapping Games- good for co-ordination:
Thinking Voice:
Echo and smooth line:
Oo a lay lay (My favourite!)
Wednesday 30th September 2020
Continuing on from our previous lessons in school, we will be learning to control the gymnastics movements and put them together in a sequence.
Make sure you are in a safe space, no furniture too close by!
Look at the movement cards that are added below. Practise each one, ensuring that you hold the move steady and show great control.
Ask yourself... Are my toes pointed? Back straight? Good posture? Can I hold this position for 3 seconds?
Now select 4 of those movements and place them in a sequence that now includes a jump and a way of travelling (hopping, skipping, jogging, sliding)
E.G. Tuck - Travel (perhaps hop) - Pike - Jump (frog jump) - Star - Travel - Dish Finish your sequence by presenting (arms up straight, hold standing position)
Practise your routine until you feel confident. Perhaps you could write down what your sequence is or film it and email it to us - we'd love to see them!
Gymnastics movement cards
- Log in to Espresso
- Visit Key Stage 2
- Find RE on the side menu bar
- Explore the faiths and cultures around the world. What would you like to know more about? Watch some of the fascinating videos to further your knowledge. Tell me all about it when we get back to school.
Espresso Log in Details:
Username student6832 Password didsburyroad
Evidence sheet
History Stone Age
We have just started to learn about the Stone Age and last week we look at a settlement (place where the tribe lived). We started to notice what types of jobs the tribe did.
Please look at the powerpoints to learn more about the Stone Age and in particular, the types of shelters and how they changed over time.
There is a lovely activity where we would like you draw the different types of shelters. You could either print off the sheet or draw it on your own paper.
To use map skills to plan a route (Video lesson in video centre)
Look at the map below children.
Can you find our school?
Can you find the River Mersey?
What colour is the River Mersey ?
Watch the lesson in the video centre to find out what we are doing this week
Have you filled your Bucket today??!!
Click on the link below to listen to a story all about being kind and making people feel happy.
After watching it, reflect on what they say and think...Have I filled anyone's bucket today? What can I do or say to fill someone's happiness bucket?
Next, like we do in class, please write 1 or 2 compliments to someone in your house. See how it makes them feel. Look at their reaction. Your words can make people feel special and happy!
Then think about something that you can do today to make someone feel happy. What helpful thing could you do?
Perhaps you could email me and tell me what you did - I'd love to know!
Be kind!
LO: To identify similarities and differences between ourselves and others.
Watch the video below. Then complete the grid below about Sulaiman and Nwabisa's lives. Next, think about how their lives are similar (nearly the same) or different to your life. Complete the grid in the sheet below. What do you have in common with these children? Did anything surprise you?