Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Access the link above and then write in your class username and password (see below). Please make sure you use the correct class login details:



Username: 3Wsuperstars

Password: weare3W2020


Username: Cammy

password:  Sammy2020


Have an explore of the website today so you become familiar with what is on there and how it works. If you see a quiz and want to give it a go (after you have learnt the information) click on the quiz and then select your name from the pupil's name drop down list. Your score will end up on the class leader board so give it a go and good luck!


We will be setting additional Oddizzi challenges over the coming days and weeks so please keep checking our daily messages.


Ethnic Diversity, home school inspiration - Central America
