Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Nursery teachers

Mrs Kaur

Mrs Taylor

Nursery Teaching Assistants

Miss Harthen

Mrs Beswick

Welcome to Nursery

Explore our different learning areas to find out more about Nursery learning.






New Parents Meeting 2023-2024

Nursery Curriculum Evening 2024

What are we learning in Nursery?

Autumn Term

This is me

Awesome Autumn



What can you do to support your child?

There are lots of ways you can support your child's learning in Nursery.

Here are some of the areas we will be focusing on this term:

Putting on our coats, using a fork and knife, using the toilet and washing hands, learning to recognise numbers 1-5, counting out objects 1-5, learning simple shapes, noticing patterns, singing nursery rhymes, learning about Diwali and Christmas, talking about our family, holding a pen, recognising our name, learning about Autumn animals, understanding the Autumn Season, holding a book and turning the pages. 



Spring Term

Winter Wonderland

Planet Fanatic


What can you do to support your child?

There are lots of ways you can support your child's learning in Nursery.

Here are some of the areas we will be focusing on this term:


Learning about the Winter season, recognising what Winter animals area, understanding how to keep warm, learning about changes ( ice melts to water), learning about Space and the planets, writing our name, learning phonics and using it in our play, talking about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, learning letters, colour mixing, drawing ourselves in detail, measuring and weighing, talking about positional language ( under, on top), deepening our number understanding, learning about Easter, telling a story using pictures as prompts.




People and the World



What can you do to support your child?

There are lots of ways you can support your child's learning in Nursery.

Here are some of the areas we will be focusing on this term:


Learning about different occupations, understanding the life cycle of Farm animals, knowing how to grow vegetables and plants, how to keep ourselves healthy, talking about stories, learning new vocabulary in books, correct letter formation, drawing in detail, writing using our phonics skills, comparing size, length, weight and capacity, creating new colours. 



