Subject leader name: Mrs Potts
Subject Intent
‘Wonder is the seed of knowledge.’ Francis Bacon
‘It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree - make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to.’ Elon Musk
Whole School Progression Map
Principles of Science
Teaching and learning
We follow the six steps to outstanding teaching and learning in science (see separate Teaching and Learning Policy).
Orientation - each classroom has a science working wall that displays key vocabulary and learning concepts from the current unit of work and also the ‘scientific enquiry’ symbols that are used as part of children’s learning. It is also an opportunity to showcase children’s work throughout the year. Resources that are required for each lesson are fully prepared and available beforehand.
Prior Knowledge - this is ascertained through the use of ‘Explore, Engage & Extend resources in KS2 and questioning and quizzes in KS1. Any gaps in previous learning is identified and incorporated into future planning.
Presentation - We link our science units to previous learning in earlier years and are constantly making connections with the outside world. We learn about scientists from the past and present. Our lessons are designed to improve children’s ‘science capital’ by bringing children’s own personal experiences into the classroom. Big questions and science concepts are shared with pupils as part of their overall learning journey. A multisensory approach is used for lesson presentations and dual coding is used throughout.
Challenge - Lessons and tasks are designed to challenge pupils’ thinking and require research, reasoning and critical thinking. Pupils are encouraged to make connections and are given opportunities to apply knowledge that has been acquired to a scenario based investigation. They will often work in pairs or small groups and learning partners will change frequently. Questioning is used by teachers to encourage the pupils to think more deeply and move their learning on.
Feedback - This is precise, timely and often ‘in the moment’. Teachers use direct verbal feedback to address misconceptions and move learning forward. Through group work, children develop their own ‘talk and feedback’ strategies as part of cooperative learning.
Repeat - Recall strategies are applied through quizzes and questioning at the start of each science lesson.
Inclusion in Science:
See the attached document for adaptive teaching strategies in the areas of:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- sensory and/or physical
- social and emotional
Science in EYFS:
Science is taught within the Understanding the World area of learning. Our carefully sequenced curriculum enables children to make sense of the world around them. Our setting encourages experimentation and investigation both inside and out. Children observe the important processes and changes in the natural world. They make predictions and share ideas. Books and stories help to widen the children's vocabulary and to develop their understanding of our ecologically diverse world.
Science in EYFS
What our pupils say about the subject
‘Our Science is often creative and not too much writing.’
‘We do lots of experiments and use lots of equipment.’
‘We get to take part in lots of science competitions and events including The Great Science Share.’
‘We share our ideas and work together as a team.’
‘I enjoy STEM club.’
‘My teacher makes me think about how science happens everyday in my life.’