Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Welcome to Didsbury Road Primary School.  I hope that you enjoy browsing our website and finding out more information about our wonderful school. 


Didsbury Road Primary School is a two form entry primary school situated in Heaton Mersey, Stockport. We currently have 460 pupils from Nursery to Year 6. We have extensive school grounds and a fantastic outdoor space including two playgrounds, a large playing field and forest school area.


At Didsbury Road, we provide a safe, happy and inclusive learning environment where all children grow and develop both academically and personally. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum which provides rich experiences and exciting learning opportunities for all of our children. Our experienced and dedicated team of staff are passionate about nurturing, supporting and encouraging pupils to achieve their very best. 


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development lies at the heart of our school ethos. We pride ourselves in being a happy, creative learning community where children and adults show kindness and respect to others, themselves and the environment. Our school values, which the children know as the 3 Bs: be kind, be respectful and be our best, support our pupils to be thoughtful, caring and well-rounded individuals.


We are incredibly proud of all of our school community and have the highest aspirations for every child. 


If you would like further details, or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact us via  admin@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk or call 0161 432 2240.


I look forward to welcoming you to the school. 


Gemma Collins




In our parent and carer survey, parents and carers said: 


"Didsbury Road provides a well rounded and inclusive curriculum for all children. The school provides many varied clubs and extra-curricular activities. The school is well organised and led by brilliant staff and leaders and the communication with parents is excellent. All staff are committed to providing the best care and education for the children."


"Excellent teaching and learning experiences for the children. We feel each child is valued. Lovely, inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. Teachers are very approachable."


"Didsbury Road is an inclusive, welcoming school. It has a brilliant community and safe and open culture for learning."
