Subject leader name: Mrs Clapperton
“Children are not things to be moulded, but people to be unfolded.” Jess Lair
“You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help them find it within themselves.” Galileo
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less”. Marie Curie
Whole School Progression Map
Teaching and Learning
We follow the six steps to outstanding teaching and learning in PSHE (see separate Teaching and Learning Policy).
Orientation – The importance of PSHE and personal development is evident throughout our school, where our school vision and values are displayed clearly in each classroom. Teachers also agree a class charter with pupils, which is also displayed and referred to regularly in order to promote positive behaviour and maintain a happy, respectful learning environment. Children are awarded ‘golden bees’ for behaviour that fits in with our school ethos, and can be nominated for kindness awards in our weekly celebration assemblies. Children are encouraged to embrace a growth mindset approach in PSHE lessons.
Prior Knowledge – Informal baseline assessments are used in order to establish starting points for PSHE topics. Gaps in knowledge are identified, then addressed in future lessons. Key topics may be re-visited either as a whole class or by individuals, at a later date, to consolidate skills.
Presentation – Lessons explore what pupils already know about each topic, and where possible, are linked to the children’s prior experiences and knowledge of the world around them. We use a variety of approaches and resources when delivering material to children, including videos, discussion, stories, drama, written and creative tasks. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions about the topics covered, and listen/respond respectfully to the opinions of others.
Challenge – Teachers use a variety of methods to assess pupils’ responses to learning in PSHE and adapt lessons accordingly. Children are used to working collaboratively as well as independently, and engage in tasks which require them to think deeply and reflect on different scenarios. Pupils are challenged to look at a situation from a variety of angles, deciding how a particular course of action might affect those involved.
Feedback – Teachers use instant feedback in PSHE lessons, enabling pupils to review and improve their knowledge. Misconceptions are addressed within the lesson so that children can move on with their learning.
Repeat – A recap of previous learning is provided through a variety of activities, including discussion, quizzes and questioning, at the start of each PSHE lesson.
Children thrive when they feel confident and valued in their learning environment. Through adult modelling and guidance children will develop confidence, persistance and resilience. Our carefully structured Personal,Social and Emotional Development curriculum encourages children to develop self-regulation skills and to build positive relationships with adults and peers. Our setting enables children to be self-reflective and to become independent learners.
Inclusion in PSHE
See the attached document for adaptive teaching strategies in the areas of:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- sensory and/or physical
- social and emotional
What our pupils say about the subject
“PSHE helps us make good choices in tricky situations.”
“It helps me decide what I should do if I fall out with my friends.”
“It’s showed me about how things for boys and girls can be fairer.”
“I like it when we talk about problems in PSHE.”