Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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School Admissions


Stockport Local Authority manages the process of our admissions for both nursery and reception.  Please refer to the Local Authority admission arrangements;


Admission to Nursery


Please view the Nursery admissions booklet (Free Early Education and Childcare for 2, 3, and 4 year olds) on the Stockport Local Authority website.  This booklet outlines the settings available in the Heatons area, the arrangements for applying for a nursery place and the priority criteria for admissions is also outlined.  Our published admissions number for Nursery is 40.  There are 20 part time (15 hour) places offered over 2 full days and one half day.

You will need to apply separately for a primary school place, even if your child attends our Nursery. Admission to a nursery class does not give any priority of a place in the reception class at Didsbury Road Primary School.


Admission in Reception


Didsbury Road Primary School follows the Local Authority admission arrangements for primary schools, which is published in the annual booklet from the Children and Young Peoples Directorate.  Applying for ‘Primary School Booklet’ is available on line at (www.stockport.gov.uk). The booklet gives further details on the admission criteria for community schools.  An application form should be completed on line.  A telephone helpline is available on 0845 644 4313.  Our school published admission number is 60 for reception.


In-Year Admissions - please refer to the Local authority website.


If you are interested in coming to visit the school, please contact us.


