Activities to enjoy at home
Autumn 1
Make a stone age house using materials of your choice.
Write a non chronological report about the stone age
Research the Iron Age on the internet or using books - we will be learning about the iron age next half term.
Make sure you are confident counting up in 3s
Autumn 2
Choose a part of the human body - can you make a 3D model of it? Materials you can use: clay, foil, cardboard, straws, pipe cleaners....
Create a timeline of the major events from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Create a table of adverbials giving examples of each type. There should be three columns and the headings need to be: time, place, manner.
Visit a river and try to use the vocabulary we have been learning in class: ' erosion' , 'meander'
Have a go at testing your 3x tables out of order. You should be able to say the answer within 6 seconds.
Spring 1
Go on a rock hunt - Can you identify the type of rock and whether it is igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic?
Test your rocks to see how permeable they are.
Write a newspaper article about something you are interested in
Use money to find totals and change
Spell the Year 3 words
Have a go at counting up in 4s
Spring 2
Find a recipe for a mediterranean dish and make it with a grown up
Create your own shape poem
Choose a mediterranean country, make a poster or powerpoint about this country. Share it with the class back in school.
Create two characters. Can you create conversation and write it using speech marks?
Measure different objects using a ruler. Find the perimeter of objects, try to find shapes other than squares and rectangles.
Hunt for magnetic and non magnetic materials and objects
Summer 1
Read the time on an analogue and digital clock at different times during the day
Keep learning the Year 3 spelling words you are unsure of
Plant some seeds (watercress, sunflowers, tomatoes) Can you explain what they need to grow?