Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Summer 1

Week commencing 13.05.24

Another lovely week of super learning. This week the children:

* have been learning all about the life of a frog, and were amazed at how a frog grows from an egg to a big frog, I wonder if you ask them, they can tell you?

* drew lovely detailed drawings showing the life of a frog and were able to label them as well!

* discussed and explored  different non-fiction books about minibeasts, can they tell you what they discovered?

* practised our skills of one more and one less, some children went higher than one, see if you can practise this at home e.g. I have 4 sweets, but I need 5 sweets. How many more do I need? 

* went on a nature walk and picked up lots of natural items to create our very own little minibeasts! what creative children we have, they all looked amazing!

* looked at sequencing events, we looked at what we do in order, can they tell you what they do from morning to night? They were all super at this!

* learnt some fabulous rhythmic skills and songs with the Ms Nolan in music, and Mrs Kaur is very impressed with their singing and instrumental skills.



Week commencing 07.05.24

Even though we had a short week with the bank holiday, we still managed to fit lots in. Busy busy!!!

This week, the children:

* discovered all about Buddhism. How it all began and what it means.. it was such an interesting religion- can they discover more at home?

* learnt more about the letter 'a' and what begins with this letter with the help of monster phonics

* performed a fantastic puppet show based on Handa's Surprise- a great fun way to retell the story and show their dramatic skills! the children even put their chairs close together to watch their friends perform! very cute... i wonder if they can retell the story to you!

* created a fantastic hungry caterpillar game with points and sound effects...they did this on purplemash and i was impressed with their gaming skills...wow!

* did some ink drop painting to create a butterfly based on the famous artist, Damien Hirst based on his original butterfly painting

* drew some fantastic caterpillars with numbers and coloured pattern painting... I must say I was impressed!... see if they can show you their number and drawing skills at home. Can they tell you about the caterpillars in our nursery... they have cocooned!!!

* learnt about emotions and questioned and discussed different emotions and how that makes us feel?

* learnt about dung beetles in PE, and they found it funny too when i told them what Dung is! We pretended we were dung beetles rolling our dung ( tennis balls) in different directions with control and co-ordination!




Week commencing 29.04.23

This week we have been learning all about The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

We have:

* received our butterfly eggs and have been watching our caterpillars get bigger and bigger

* learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly, and watched a time lapse video of what will happen... can your child explain this to you!

*  learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods

* practised our ball skills in PE, and can now roll, bounce, pass and throw a ball with control and coordination

*  learnt the letter 'a' and have even practised drawing it, can they tell you what begins with 'a'?

* learnt about capacity and know what full, empty and half full looks like, we even challenged ourselves on which containers fill the most and least?

*  produced a tally chart on the ipad using purplemash to explore which fruit teachers like in school, we are so super on the ipads!..banana was a popular fruit!

* planted cress seeds to see how they grow? Can they tell you what we need for cress to grow?

* learnt about symmetry and painted some awesome symmetrical butterflies? I wonder if they can design a symmetrical butterfly at home?




Week commencing 22.04.23


This week the children have been learning about my favourite book, Handa's Surprise!

We have: 

 * learnt how they say hello in Kenya "JAMBO!"

* read the story of Handa's surprise and learnt how to retell and order the story

* discussed how important it is to eat healthy fruits.

* looked at how we can look after our earth and discussed all the things that make earth sad. We then drew what we would like earth to look like by drawing flowers, birds and plants.

* explored what a computer, mouse, laptop and keyboard does and why we need them.

*  learnt about Guiseppe Archimboldo and how he is able to recreate faces using fruit and vegetables

*  designed our own fruit and vegetable faces like the famous artist, by printing fruit and veg in paint! Very exciting!

*  drew out very own handas basket and had a go at drawing and labelling fruit! We are so good at hearing sounds.

* played cafe and fruit and veg shop in the new role play area. we love paying for things in the shop!


Week Commencing 15.04.23


What a busy week back. The children have been learning all about Spring.

This week we have been : 

* learning about growing and how Spring looks around us. What signs of Spring can they spot on their way to school?

* understanding how to look after plants 

* the growing stages of a plant. Are they growing anything at home?

* having learning about a cat called Jasper and how he tried to grow a beanstalk.

* learnt how to paint flowers from the ground and up. We even challenged ourselves on different lengths using key words such as taller, shorter, longer etc

* introduced to the letter S and what begins with S. Can they spot things that begin with S

* we did some fabulous writing about Jasper and his beanstalk



