Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Week 2 10.1.22

Art Resources needed...

This Friday you will need string/pipe cleaners/wire, tissue paper, pastels/crayons and glue. If you don't have these do not worry- we have another art lesson for you.

Next Friday you will need some pebbles or rocks- please take care and wash your hands when collecting these. Thank you! 


Children I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your families for my lovely birthday gift. You have really made my day! I remember my Mum being 50 and I thought it was really old at the time but my very kind friend told me yesterday that 50 is the new 40! I'm having a lovely day so far and it's so nice to know that you have been thinking of me at home. smiley


A BIG SHOUT OUT goes to the super star in 3HN who I share my birthday with. Have a fabulous day!


Lots of love children and stay safe

Mrs Holmes heart 

This Week

Children, Parents and Carers, the teachers have different roles at present at school and at home. This week Mrs Holmes and Mrs Norbury are working in school so 3HN you will not have your live daily check in via Google Classroom but we shall keep in touch as much as possible via email. Mrs Milne, Miss Haley (who is new to school) and Miss Cropper are providing your learning from home and will check in with 3MC. 


Remember to stick any work that you do in your Home Learning Books that we gave out before Christmas if you are in 3HN. If you are in 3MC you can keep your work in a folder or book of your choice. You can then bring this into school. You can send us any learning via email if you would like us to look at it sooner and we shall respond as soon as we are able to.


Keep safe everyone and can't wait to chat to you very soon. smiley


Here are the details for google classroom. 


Your username is your school email: Joe.Bloggs@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk



If your surname is hyphenated then the hyphen will appear in your email too.

Your password is: Password1


If you are in class 3MC we will be having a live check-in at 9.45am every day. Please login to Google classroom and click on the 'meet link'  on the stream or press the 'meet' icon (picture of a camera) on the classwork page at 9.45am.


Rules for our live check-ins on Google Meet

Year 3 Learning Timetable at School and Home

This timetable of subjects each day is a good guide to make sure your week has balance of learning. It will also be useful if some of you are in school some days and at home other days so that your week flows together and hopefully you won't be repeating subjects at home that you have already experienced at school. We are so proud of the way you are all working at home and at school, keep up the fantastic work.

The Year 3 Teachers smiley

Timetable Friday 15th January


Spellings- revise previous spelling from this week and practise them in various ways.... Rainbow, pyramid, fancy letters etc..




Espresso news and quiz

Outdoor play



Reading activity - Continue with The Iron Man from Mrs Norbury's videos



This week children for 5 minutes each handwriting session we are going to practise some popular joins along with the size of our letters. The document of joined high frequency words is below. Work hard on the size and shape of your letters. Try each word 3 times to see if you can improve each time. You can print the sheets off and write on them or you can use the lines in your Home Learning Book. Show off to your parents and carers how good you are at this! smiley

Spelling - Monday 11th January


Spell words with the prefixes 'sub-' and 'tele-'

How many words can you make by and adding the prefixes 'sub-' and 'tele-'.

Make a list and think about the possible meanings of each prefix.


Spelling - Tuesday 12th January

Can you match the words to the correct definition?



Monday 11th January


Still image for this video
Tuesday 12th January

English 12th Jan.mp4

Still image for this video

Wednesday 13th January English

Still image for this video

English Thursday 14th January

Still image for this video

English Friday 15th January

Still image for this video
Monday 11th January

zoom_0 (2).mp4

Still image for this video

Maths 12th January

Still image for this video

Maths Wednesday 13th January

Still image for this video

Thursday 14th Maths.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths Friday 15th January

Still image for this video

Reading: The Iron Man

There will be a daily pre recorded video with Mrs Norbury where you can enjoy the story being read. She will also give you feedback on the questions in the reading comprehensions and help you become reading detectives! Click on the www link for the larger videos.

There are two reading comprehensions on the Iron man below.

Computing -Monday 11th January

LO: To understand how to use visual code to operate a program

Today you will be learning to code using Visual Code. These are blocks of instructions that when put together will make an algorithm. Please watch the tutorial video for the Classic Maze game.



Use this following website to complete this next activity.


Can you help the angry bird catch the naughty pig? Code will need to be dragged into the workspace to build an algorithm. Stack some 'move forward' blocks together and press 'run' to help the bird get there. Then work through the first 5 activities to operate the Maze game. Have fun creating your algorithms smiley.


Games to practise the days of the week.mp4

Still image for this video

Use this sheet for the games in the video

Les jours de la semaine - alain le lait (French days of the week)

Les jours de la semaine ©2011 alain le laithttp://www.yadeeda.comLundi, mardi, mercrediJeudi, vendrediSamedi, dimancheIl y a sept joursDans la semaineIl y a ...

RE - Tuesday 12th January

This week we are thinking about why people pray. 

Who do you talk to or ask questions to if you need help or support?

Geography Tuesday 12th

Still image for this video
LO: To develop our knowledge of the UK

Watch the video above to find out about the United Kingdom. Can you find the highest mountains in each of the 4 countries which make up the UK?

Extra challenge - Can you make a fact card for each mountain?


There are a range of things that you can do children to maintain your fitness at home. Below is a document full of ideas and links. Enjoy your garden space if you have one, take the dogs for a walk, cycle with your family, use a fitness app or go for a run. Please maintain your distance from those outside your household and stay safe children smiley


This week we are thinking about things that we are good at. Talk to an adult if possible about why it is important to think about the things we are good at.  Then complete the 'I am an amazing person' sheet below. Remember to use some brilliant adjectives.

Wednesday 13th January


THURSDAY 14.1.21

Calling all Fossils Hunters!

Use the link to watch the two fossil clips and work through the learner guides for fossils.

BBC Bitesize fossils 1

BBC Bitesize Fossils 2


Then look at the Fossil Hunter worksheet and the Fossil Hunter images. If you can print these images off and hide them around your house this might help you to feel like a fossil hunter!

Observe the images of the fossils carefully and describe what you think they are and what we can learn about the past from them recording this in the table.

Then you can have a look at the information sheet to see what the fossils are.


FRIDAY 15.1.21


Watch this video. We would have been completing this project over the next few weeks in school. If you can get hold of some wire/pipe cleaners/string, tissue paper, glue and pastels/crayons then you can complete it at home. If not, we have an alternative activity.


Have a look at the different fossils on the word document below. Sketch some of these in detail. Again try using different mediums such as pencil, pencils crayons, wax crayons, chalk, pastels, felt tips, charcoal or ink pens. If you are planning your design to make out of string/wire make sure it is simple enough to recreate. 


Music Thursday 14th January

Let us have another look at these brilliant videos to teach you some fun songs with Mrs Henderson-Wild.

Fun Action Songs!

Dr Knickerbocker

Baby 123

Kye Kye Kule

Clapping Games- good for co-ordination:

High Low Chickalow

Down By the Banks

Thinking Voice:

Tony Chestnut

Echo and smooth line:

Oo a lay lay 
