
Subject leader name: Miss Timbrell
‘History is the unlived; relived.' Miss Timbrell
"History is not the past, but a map of the past drawn from a particular point of view to be useful to the modern traveller." Henry Glassie
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
Marcus Garvey
Whole School Progression Map
Teaching and learning in the subject
Orientation - each classroom has a history working wall that displays key vocabulary and learning concepts from the current unit of work and are used as part of children’s learning. Children’s history work is celebrated by being displayed within the school corridors. Resources that are required for each lesson are fully prepared and available beforehand.
Prior Knowledge - this is ascertained through the use of quizzes, questioning and the use of ‘Know, want to know’ grids to enable children to have an active participation in their learning. Any gaps in previous learning are identified and incorporated into future planning.
Presentation - We have a clear history progression grid and link our history units to prior learning, constantly making connections with the outside world. We learn about significant individuals from the past and the impact they have had on our lives in present. Our lessons are designed to build upon key historical concepts using enquiry questions to drive learning. Children are excited by enriching trips, visitors and ‘WOW’ days and the use of drama and role play.
Challenge – Our history Lessons and tasks are designed to challenge pupils’ thinking through the use of enquiry questions to drive learning. Pupils are encouraged to think critically, drawing on their prior learning to discuss and debate historical significance, cause and consequence, study similarities and differences and interpret sources. They will often work in pairs or small groups and learning partners will change frequently. Questioning is used by teachers to encourage the pupils to think more deeply and move their learning on.
Feedback - This is precise, timely and often ‘in the moment’. Teachers use direct verbal feedback to address misconceptions to move learning forward. Through group work, children develop their own ‘talk and feedback’ strategies as part of cooperative learning.
Repeat - Recall strategies are applied through quizzes and questioning at the start of each history lesson.
History in EYFS
History is taught within the Understanding the World area of learning. Through discussions and a broad selection of books and stories children will develop their sense of history and will be able to talk about similarities and differences between the past and present. We will extend their vocabulary and provide rich, immersive experiences which deepen their understanding of life in the past.
Inclusion in History:
See the attached document for adaptive teaching strategies in the areas of:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- sensory and/or physical
- social and emotional
What our pupils say about the subject:
"History helps bring the past to life again"
"When people went shopping in the past, they couldn't go to one place like Tesco to get everything!"
"I've loved learning about the Great Fire of London!"
"I've enjoyed learning about myths; they're very creative".
"I loved Greek day, it was so much fun- we got to dress up, handle artefacts and taste food!"