Complete the activity which revises the spellings from yesterday
Watch the teaching video from Miss Cropper. This will explain today’s lesson.
Use the writing frame to write your own explanation on how fossils are formed. Please ensure that you are including all the features of an explanation text.
You could use the checklist from previous lessons to help you.
English Friday 29th Jan.mp4
Warm Up
Today is an opportunity to revisit anything you found tricky in the week. This is usually what we do in class to check our understanding and chat about what we need to work on next. It might be a particular x tables or it could be some of the work you have covered this week.
You could repeat one of the warm up activities to see if you are any faster.
You could play TTRS and see if your practice this week and last week has worked for you.
Main Activity
Today we are going to be checking and consolidating our learning from Y2 of pence.
Please watch the video lesson.
Please work through the Friday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.
Complete the Friday activity. This can be printed out or write answers in your home learning book. Please don’t copy all of the questions out, just write your answers. Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school!
Check your work alongside the answers.
Using the following monetary amounts, draw the correct coins in your book that would make up these amounts.
£1.27 (Not using pound coins)
Money Challenge Cards
Maths Friday 29th Jan.mp4
Spend some time reading your book or complete any unfinished Iron Man/Varjak Paw Videos and comprehensions.
Complete the espresso weekly Newsbites quiz.
Please watch the teaching video below.
Then watch the video about the Asaro Mud Men below.
Then use the images in the word document and sketch your own Asaro Mud Man inspired mask.
You could try a few different designs. Look carefully at the details.
Try and make yours unique and take features from different masks.
If you can, make your mask design out of cardboard, paper or clay.