Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Spring Term 1

Week commencing 6.1.25


Activities the children have been doing this week:


* Recapping on 2d shapes and their properties - can they spot 2d shapes around their home?

* Learning all about winter and the seasons - can they spot winter on their way home?

* Learning how to dress for different seasons - can they dress themselves up at home for the 4 seasons?

* Made their very own puffy snowman using shaving foam and accessories - they look awesome on our classroom display!

* Made bird feeders to help the hungry birds during Winter - we hung them outside in our garden.

* Made snowmen and slushy drinks in the snow using droppers and dye!

* Built a penguin land using fabrics and paints

* Learnt how music can change the way we move

* We decided to turn our laptops into a travels agency, so that we can book holidays away from this cold weather! brrrr!!

* We read the story of the 3 billy goats gruff and discovered so many different ways the story can be told!

