Autumn 1 - Year 2
Year 2
Over the course of 7 weeks the children in Year 2 have learned how to 'check in' with themselves and their peers at the start of each lesson to help develop our emotional awareness and to see if being outdoors and learning in the Forest environment has a negative or positive affect on our mood and well being. As I'm sure you can guess, we decided most weeks that it had a very positive impact on our well being and that we loved being outdoors!
We started the block of sessions by learning how to tie knots so that we could build a variety of tarp shelters and practise this over the coming weeks. We explored the forest school setting and got to know the trees and started labelling them using our identification skills, there are still so many more to do!
We discussed what a plant needs to survive and the process from seed to flower and planted spring bulbs along the forest school boundary. We are very much looking forward to them appearing next Spring!
We explored our school grounds for the perfect materials to create Andy Goldsworthy inspired artwork. We found that the Autumn colours made wonderful artwork and it was the perfect activity to do on a very stormy day!
We learned about fire safety and how to be safe around a campfire. We were very sensible and loved watching "nature's television" with our class mates. On our final session we cooked popcorn on the campfire and enjoyed munching this with our friends whilst reflecting on our favourite parts of forest school.