Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Our Year 6 children have made a great start to the new school year and are already busy working on their topics for this half term... we have lots of exciting things to fit in!
Autumn 1:
Maths - Place Value (read and write numbers to 10,000,000, number lines, powers of 10, comparing and ordering, rounding, negative numbers) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (common factors/multiples, prime numbers, square and cube numbers, short division, long division)
English - Short, descriptive narrative based on 'The Eye of The Storm', classic literature- Just So stories
Science - Light
History- What was the impact of WW1 and WW2 on our locality?
Computing - Creating formula in Excel
Religion, Beliefs & Values - What do religions say to us when life gets hard?
Art - Loui Jover (self portraits), printing based on local landmarks
PSHE - British Values, First Aid
French- À l'école - School vocabulary
DT- Pizza
Autumn 2
Maths Fractions - comparing, simplifying, ordering, addition, subtraction multiplication and division of fractions.
English Letters applying for a job with the WRNS or home guard.
Dragonology - focus on formal style of writing and creating a field guide about dragons.
Science Electricity
History- What was the impact of WW1 and WW2 on our locality?
Religion, Beliefs & Values - What do religions say to us when life gets hard?
Computing Python coding
PSHE - First aid and E-safety (working with Stockport County)
French- À l'école - School vocabulary
Monday - None
Tuesday - Maths
Wednesday- Grammar
Thursday - Reading
Friday - None
We encourage children to read for a minimum of 10 minutes every day at home and to practise the spellings of the Common Exception Words for the whole of KS2 - spare copies are always available, your child can ask if needed. The children can also access RM Maths at home.
PE days are Monday (both classes) and Friday with Stockport County (both classes)