Autumn 2 - Year 5
Year 5
Over the course of 8 weeks, similar to the Year 2 children, the children in Year 5 have learned how to 'check in' with themselves and their peers at the start of each lesson to help develop our emotional awareness and to see if being outdoors and learning in the Forest environment has a negative or positive affect on our mood and well being. As I'm sure you can guess, we decided most weeks that it had a very positive impact on our well being and that we loved being outdoors even if it was wet and cold most weeks!
We started the block of sessions by working in teams to build a tarpaulin den that would come in handy over the coming weeks as we were expecting a very cold, wet half term!
The following week we learned how to light a fire using a flint and steel and practised doing this using lots of growth mindset, perseverance and encouragement. We soon learned it's not as easy as it looks but it felt great when we managed to achieve our goal!
Linking to our Anglo Saxon learning in the classroom, we made medallions using a hand drill and decorated them in an Anglo Saxon style. We also made Anglo Saxon weapons, either a sword or bow and arrow, using a variety of knots and we loved seeing it they were strong enough to use in battle!
The last few weeks very very cold, -7c on one day!! So we prepped and made a heart warming Anglo Saxon vegetable and herb soup and enjoyed hot chocolate while we waited for it to cook. It was delicious! (for most!)
On our final session, we made reindeer sculptures out of clay and sticks and used secateurs to cut suitable legs and antlers. We loved seeing and comparing each others reindeers and they all had their own little personalities which was a good laiugh.
We loved linking our learning outside to our Anglo Saxon topic and loved having lots of free time to play and explore the forest school site and initiate our own learning whilst we were there.
Thank you Year 5, we have loved having you at Forest School and can't wait to have you back in Year 6!