Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Your Teachers:

Miss Fisher - 1F & Miss Rowe - 1R

Important Dates


Tuesday - PE

Thursday - Books 

Friday - Outdoor PE


Phonics Screening Check

The children will be sitting their Year 1 National Phonics Screening Check at the end of the first week back (week commencing 10th June). There are some resources on the Learning at Home - English link below to support learning at home over the half term break. Phonics Play is a free website that children are used to using in school (focusing on the Phase 5 sounds). The results of the screening will be shared in school reports. We are so proud of how hard the children have worked on their Phonics this year and the super progress they have made. Thank you for your support at home smiley





Year 1 News

We hope you enjoyed the half term break. We are looking forward to seeing you again for our last topic of Year 1, Happy Holidays! Below you can find out more about what we will be learning in different subjects laugh


We will post updates and information here, and important messages will be communicated via the app so please make sure you are checking there regularly. Please don't hesitate to contact your teacher either in person or via email admin@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk if you have any questions smiley


We have added a section below for photos from the year for each class so you can have a look at some of our learning!



Children's reading books will continue be changed each Thursday. Children will bring home a library book, levelled reading book and a Monster Phonics book. These books aim to address different reading targets such as decoding, comprehension skills and developing a love of reading. Please ensure your child has their reading books and record in their bookbags every day as your child will be having their Reading session reading with a teacher between Monday-Friday. Please sign and comment in their reading records whenever they read at home as this will help us to monitor children's progress. If you do not have a yellow reading record please ask in the office for a new one. 


PE Kit

Our PE days for Summer 2 will be: 

Tuesday - Indoor PE

Friday - Outdoor PE


Please ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct PE kit on these days. Navy or black shorts/leggings/joggers, white or house colour T-shirt and a black or navy sweatshirt. 


Supporting Learning at Home

There is some information below on what we are learning in different subjects if you would like to work on any of these areas at home. There are also links at the bottom of the page to games/websites/activities at home. Please let us know if there is any more information or resources you would like for home.

What are we learning in Summer 2?


We are excited to start our new topic - Happy Holidayswhere we will be learning all about the seaside! 


  • English: We will continue to consolidate core writing skills - capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, and we will be recapping each letter family to encourage correct letter formation. We will be learning about poetry and writing our own seaside poems. We will read 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and use this to help us write instructions and a diary entry. We will be recapping the grammar and punctuation we have learned throughout the year including exclamation marks, question marks and adding prefixes/suffixes.  
  • Phonics: We are following the Monster Phonics scheme through daily Phonics lessons. The children will sit their Phonics Screening Check reading real and alien words. We will continue to practise our spelling of common exception and high frequency words, as well as covering the spelling of Year 1 words including numbers, contractions, days, months and colours.


  • Maths: This half term we will start with place value to 100, including partitioning numbers into tens and ones, counting in 10s to 100 and finding one more/less than a given number. Our next topic is money, introducing coins and notes. Our last topic is time, focusing on telling the time on an analogue and digital clock to the hour and half hour. We will continue to follow the Mastering Number scheme to consolidate the number facts we have learned this year.
  • Science: We will be reviewing what we have learned about seasonal change over the year, and making comparisons between seasons. 
  • Geography: We will be learning about the physical and human features of the seaside. 
  • History: We will be looking at the history of seaside holidays and comparing holidays now to holidays from the past, including Victorian beach clothes, food, transport and entertainment. 
  • Art: We will be looking at a range of seaside artwork, and focusing on artist Joanna Wishart. We will be making and painting clay shell sculptures.   
  • PE: In our indoor PE sessions we will be focusing on dance, including expressing emotions through dance and to use counts of 8. Outdoor PE will focus on athletics and net and wall games. 
  • PSHE: We will be learning about sun and water safety, and transition/moving on to a new year group. 
  • RBV (Religion, Beliefs & Values): We will be continuing with our focus question 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?' and comparing what we have learned across different faiths. 
  • Computing: We will be practising typing and using a keyboard to help us present information on different software such as Word and Book Creator. 

Our Topics:


Autumn Term

Magical Me



Spring Term

Hooray for the Heatons

Enchanted Forest


Summer Term

Amazing Animals

Happy Holidays 
