Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
Mrs Warrington and Miss Cropper
Ms Logue
Coding Activity:
Scratch login:
Username: 3JH1234
Password: 3JH2022
Key Days and Information
Children need to come to school in the correct PE kit. Please make sure children bring warm clothes for the cold weather when necessary. A change of footwear is recommended for when the grass is wet.
PE days
These dayschange throughout the year but we will send notification out when this is going to happen. Please speak to your class teacher about your current PE days. The year group attend swimming at Grand Central in the Summer term.
Homework will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday. Children can return their Homework Books any day between being handed out and the following Monday.
Children can change their reading books twice a week in Year 3. Children reading longer books may keep them until finished.
Library Days
3CC - Tuesday
3JH - Tuesday and Friday
Could you please return any school books found at home.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Ms Logue, Miss Cropper and Miss Chambers
Learning At Home