Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Previous Terms' Learning

Autumn Term 2023


Welcome back. It is lovely to see how well the children have settled back into school! They have made a great start to the Autumn term. We have already begun learning about our new topics. These include:


English - Narrative writing based on the book 'Journey', Direct speech, word classes and Haiku poems

Maths - Number and place value to 10,000. Adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers, multiplication and division, Area and times tables

History - Ancient Greece, Greek life, their influence on the Western World

Geography - Locate and name European countries and their capitals

Science - States of Matter

RE - Big question - Why are festivals important to religious communities?

Art - Pastel drawings based on Greek vases and art. 

DT - Food technology

PSHE - Growth Mindset

SMSC - British Values

PE - Swimming and multi-skills 

Computing - Databases

French - Je Me Presente! (Introducing myself)- Recap of greetings and numbers. Learning about countries in French.


Spring Term 1 2024

Welcome back Year 4. We hope you have had a lovely break and are ready to begin learning. Our new focus this term is the 'Romans'. 


This half term we will be learning the following:

English - Instructions, expanded noun phrases, retelling Escape from Pompeii

Maths - Multiplication and Division including factor pairs and multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100, Roman Numerals, length and perimeter

Science - Electricity

History - The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain

Geography - Europe, Human and Physical features, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Computing - Coding with Scratch

Art - Mosaics

RE - What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

PSHE - A world without judgement - respect for diversity

PE - Gymnastics and multi-skills 



Spring Term 2 2024

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term. We are hoping for some warmer weather soon!

This half term we will be learning the following -


English - Writing a letter from a Roman soldier stationed in Roman Britain. Writing a diary entry as Boudicca, queen of the Iceni tribe.

Spellings: We will continue to use Superhero Spellings, looking at the Year 3 and 4 statutory words and different spelling rules.

Please encourage children to continue to practise spellings at home. The children will be sent home with a list of words they still need to practise from the Year 3 and 4 statutory words and will now receive weekly spellings to learn as part of their homework.


Maths - Length and perimeter, fractions, continued revision of times tables.

Science - Living things and their habitats

History - Continuing with the Roman impact on Britain 

Geography - Volcanoes and earthquakes, mountains and rivers

Computing - Digital Literacy. Videos and applying special effects

Art - Roman mosaics and Roman temples

DT - Designing and making something that lights up

PE - Dance with Mrs Booth and outdoor PE with Mr Dixon

RE - Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?

PSHE - The Working World - Chores at home

French- Les Romains
