British Values
Promoting British Values at Didsbury Road
At Didsbury Road Primary School, British values are promoted throughout our curriculum, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development and our school vision and values.
- We provide pupils with many opportunities to put forward their ideas and influence decisions about the school. There are many ways we gather pupil voice including School council, Eco Committee, E-Safety Eagles, house captains and pupil surveys.
- Subject leaders gather pupil voice across the school to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to provide feedback on the curriculum and teaching and learning.
- Members of our councils and committees go through a democratic process where they apply for the role and explain the contribution they will make to our school community. Peers vote for the candidate they would like to represent their class.
- Parents and carers are encouraged to participate in decision making within our school through termly family forum meetings, parent surveys, PTA meetings etc
- We provide opportunities for our children to see how democracy works across the wider community e.g. virtual tours of parliament, visits to Stockport town hall, visits from the mayor. Children also have the opportunity to debate local and national issues e.g. Stockport Climate Action Now.
- In PSHE lessons, children are often asked to vote to support characters in choosing the right course of action through questions and discussion.
Rule of Law
- We discuss with our children the need for rules. Laws provide us with protection, they help us to take responsibility for our actions and realise that there are consequences for our actions.
- Our school values underpin everything we do in school. We teach the children to be respectful; to respect ourselves, each other and our environment
- Our expectations for behaviour are clear and consistent across school; Be kind, Be Respectful, Be your Best. Pupils understand appropriate and inappropriate choices and know their responsibilities for the choices that they make. We use rewards such as golden bees, headteacher awards and kindness awards. We use restorative approaches to address any inappropriate choices.
- We promote respect for those who enforce the law and work in partnership with agencies such as the police.
- We create class charters with the children so the children know the rules and expectations in their classroom.
- We teach the children about human rights using the UNICEF rights of the child.
Individual Liberty
- Through our school vision and values, we encourage our children to take responsibility for their own actions but to also expect to be treated with respect from others.
- We do not tolerate any form of bullying or discrimination. Any inappropriate language or behaviour is dealt with quickly and seriously. We value diversity and teach the children about equality and the protected characteristics.
- We provide a safe and inclusive environment where a positive growth mindset is developed and our children are encouraged to be independent learners.
- We guide pupils on how to make safe choices. This takes place in our daily interactions with children and through assemblies, circle time, road safety workshops and our PSHE and RSHE curriculum.
- Through discussions and debates we encourage respect for others’ opinions, understanding of freedom and choice.
- Children are given roles and responsibilities such as playground leaders, infant helpers, prefects, house captains etc.
- Events such as E-safety assemblies, anti-bullying weeks and NSPCC workshops teach the children about ways to keep themselves safe.
Mutual Respect
- Respect is a key expectation for behaviour and is known and understood by all our children. Children are encouraged to demonstrate respect for themselves, each other and the community.
- Children learn that how we treat one another has an impact on the way we in turn are treated.
- If children are not showing respect for one another we encourage others to speak out and help others to see why their actions are inappropriate.
- We give opportunities for older children to work alongside younger children for example through reading buddies and playground leaders.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
- Through our RE and SMSC curriculum we learn about similarities and differences between religious and cultural communities and encourage the children to talk about their own experiences.
- We use books and stories, arts and music to help our children to widen their understanding of our culturally diverse world. We promote and represent scientists, artists, musicians etc. from a variety of backgrounds.
- We celebrate diversity and equality and actively promote respect for individual beliefs and cultures through languages days, multi-cultural markets.
- Through collective worship and reflection, we promote and celebrate the diversity of society. Assemblies and collective worship cover different faiths, beliefs and cultures.
- We challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour of any kind.
- We provide opportunities for children to mix with pupils of different backgrounds, through the schools linking project and sporting events.
- Learning environments and displays around school are reflective of different faiths, beliefs and cultures.
- We visit places of worship and invite visitors from places of worship to talk to the children.