Year 5
Welcome to Year 5 2023-24
Welcome to Year 5. We hope you have had a wonderful Summer break!
We work with you and your parents to have a fabulous Year 5!
Mrs Holmes, Mrs Norbury, Mrs Lagonegro and Mrs Pfeiffer
Important Messages
Most messages will be communicated straight from the office via the app so please make sure your contact details are up to date. Thank you.
PE Days
Autumn 1
5HN Tuesday and Wednesday. Outdoor kit on Wednesdays.
5L Tuesday and Wednesday. Outdoor kit on Wednesdays.
5P Wednesday and Friday. Outdoor kit on Wednesdays.
There will be no PE on the first day.
Our Learning
Autumn: Anglo Ancestors
Spring: The final frontier
Summer: A road trip to America
English and Maths are set each week and the children have a week to complete the activity. Lists of spellings will be sent out regularly for the children to practice at home using methods of their choice. Parents and carers, we would really appreciate your support with this at home. Work set is usually consolidation and application. Ongoing home work should be reading, spelling and times tables for a short period each day. If you have any questions or issues you would like to raise with us, please feel free to approach us in the playground after school or send an email via the office and we shall get back to you as quickly as possible
Monday - Maths will be given out to be handed back in the following Monday.
Friday - Spellings will be given out for the following week and English will be set to be handed in the following Friday.
Please read at home regularly and practice your number facts and multiplication and division facts.
Maths - Mastering Number, Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
History - Anglo Saxons and Vikings
Geography - The United Kingdom, Countries, Counties, Maps
Religion, beliefs and values - Why do some people believe God exists?
French -
Science -
Art -
DT- Textiles- making a drawstring Bag
PE - Gymnastics
Reading is a valuable skill that all children should have the opportunity to develop. We would like to work together with you to develop your child's reading. You can support this by reading with your children at home and sign the yellow reading record to let us know how they are getting on. Books can be changed once the children have finished them and they are returned to school. We encourage the children to read a wide range of texts and different genres. Whole class reading takes place each week with the class teacher.