Didsbury Road Primary School

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Week 4 22.11.21



Discuss the settings and characters that could be included in their Funnybones story. This has been talked about in class previously and also the children have acted out possible ideas.  Explain chn will be writing their own Funnybones story. Discuss potential ideas for the setting and characters. Record on flipchart:

Settings - description

Characters – what they say and do


Children complete a visual story map of their version of funny bones. Similar layout to their stone age story map. Main pictures in the story. Only including pictures for the beginning – middle - end of their story. No need to draw pictures for every single event; just the main parts.



Ask children to remind you what a conjunction is and what its purpose is. (Connect ideas within a sentence. They make one short sentence into a two clause sentence.)

Go through Activ Inspire flipchart asking children to come out and underline where the conjunction is within the sentences.

On small whiteboards or on paper, ask children to write down which conjunction they would use to join the sentences together. Share their answers and which ones sound correct.

Tuesday – Teacher/adult to load up flipchart with an example of a story starter. Children to assist teacher/adult in up levelling the vocab, adding adverbs, inserting punctuation if needed. Discuss how all these steps improve the text.


Children use their visual story maps from previous lesson and write their first part of their funny bones story.

Do not write the whole story in one session. Split the story up into chunks... beginning, middle and end. 



Wednesday - Middle part of their story.

Children to continue to write their narrative using dictionaries, thesaurus and teacher support. Teacher/adult to repeatedly remind children of ways to improve writing. Use the checklist on the activ inspire flipchart as a guide to ensure children are including the correct features.


Thursday - Continue with middle part and then go on to the ending. 


Friday - Write the ending to their story 

Children finish off their story and then spend time reading in aloud. Checking for punctuation, spellings and then improving some word choices. 



Pupils to go outside and gather sticks – Arrange these sticks to represent the human skeleton. Add labels for any of the bones they can remember.

After reviewing the skeleton, discuss role of muscles and them working in opposing pairs. Then collect various size leaves to represent muscles and add these to the skeletons.




LO: To compare and contrast time periods



Please follow the link and watch the video  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-discovering-iron-in-iron-age-britain/zn3hf4j


 Look at the PPt and compare and contrast tools and weapons from stone to iron age .


Main activity – selling tools – Pretend you are selling tools/weapons from 1 time period. Why should people buy your tools? What benefit does it have over the other time periods. What are the positives/negatives?

Write a speech to present as if you are selling your tools.


