Didsbury Road Primary School

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In English this week we have been learning about Non-Chronological reports. We have been researching information about our school by reading fact files of each teacher and searching the internet for any interesting facts.

Next week we will be writing our own Non-Chronological report and sharing it with our partner.


It would be lovely if you could perhaps write your own Non-Chronological report at home. You could select your own topic such as All about me, Sport, Music... whatever you are interested in. 

You could choose to hand write your report or word process it on your laptop or tablet.




Science: Light

We are learning about rivers. Can you do any research about where rivers start and end?

What are the different parts of rivers called?

Can you locate rivers in the UK?

Can you locate rivers around the world?

What can you find out about the River Mersey?

How do rivers form?


We are learning about the Stone Age.

Would you prefer to have lived during the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?

Can you carry out some research in order to make a decision.

Art: Cave Painting

Have a look at the cave paintings below. What do you notice about them? Which colours are used? What is drawn?  Sketch some of your own. 
