Didsbury Road Primary School

A Happy, Creative Learning Community showing kindness and respect to all.

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Year 4

 Year Four 2023-2024

4E - Miss Evans       4P - Mrs Partington        4T - Miss Timbrell


Summer term 1:

Welcome back! We have an action packed term ahead of us. We have already enjoyed our trip to Chester and can't wait for our residential at Castleton.



This half term we will be learning the following -


English - Writing Boudicca's diary, features of a leaflet and writing an informative leaflet about Castleton and animal poetry.


Spellings- We will continue to use Superhero Spellings, looking at the Year 3 and 4 statutory words and different spelling rules.

Please encourage children to continue to practise spellings at home. The children will be sent home with a list of words they still need to practise from the Year 3 and 4 statutory words and will now receive weekly spellings to learn as part of their homework.


Maths - Decimals, Money and Time - Keep practising times tables too!

Science - Living things and their habitats

Geography - Volcanoes and earthquakes, mountains and rivers, Comparing towns, cities and villages

Computing - Smarter searching and online safety

Art - Landscapes

PE - Smile for a mile and tennis

RE - What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right or wrong?

PSHE - Keeping and Staying Healthy

French- Chez moi


General Information



English homework (Spellings and SPAG) is given out every Wednesday to be handed in by the following Monday


Maths homework is given out every Friday to be handed in by the following Thursday. Maths homework is often marked within the maths lesson on a Thursday. 


Please encourage your children to continue practising their times tables. Useful websites for this:

Times Table Rockstars www.ttrockstars.com

Purple Mash-  www.purplemash.com     

                   Please type 'multiplication check' into the search bar and click on the 'multiplication' link. 

                   The children can use this to assess themselves on times tables with a time limit and practise times                           tables without a time limit. 



Reading books:

Children will have the opportunity to change their reading books every week. We do not expect children to have finished and therefore need to change their reading book every time - especially chapter books. Please sign their yellow reading records on a regular basis so we are able to monitor the children's reading. Please also record any other books they are reading in their yellow reading books as it is really important we are aware of all the books the children are reading (such as library books, books from home etc). 

Our library day is also Wednesday. Each week children will have the opportunity to return their old library book and choose another one. Again, if the children haven't finished their library book by Wednesday, there is no expectation for them to change it each week. 



Outdoor PE with Mr Dixon is on a Tuesday morning/afternoon. During the Autumn and Winter months, children should wear navy or black jogging bottoms, a white or House colour (red - Lancaster, blue - York, green - Derby and yellow - Chester) with a navy or black hoodie or sweatshirt. Trainers are also required for outdoor PE. 


Getting in touch:

If you need to let your child's teacher know general information such as they are being picked up by a Grandparent etc, then a note is the easiest way to do this.

If you would let to arrange a meeting or phone call with your child's teacher then this can be done via the school office. Please email: admin@didsburyroad.stockport.sch.uk 

Our topics


Autumn - Ancient Greece - Their achievements and their impact


Spring - The Roman invasion of Britain and its impact


Summer - Animals (including humans) and their habitats 


Year 4 Staff


     Miss Evans - 4E  Class Teacher       Mrs Partington - 4P Class Teacher       Miss Timbrell - 4T Class Teacher

     Mrs Shanbhag, Mrs Khan, Mrs Dolan - Year 4 Teaching Assistants



