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Summer Term 2 Home Learning

W/C 13.07 & 20.07

MATHS - W/C 13.07 & 20.07


Week 12 of White Rose continues with 2x lessons on Capacity and then has additional lessons for Pictograms and Bar Charts (a favourite of mine!) Worksheets are below.


As an alternative or maybe as well as (for those of you not returning to school) you may want to check out the lessons HERE at Oak Academy and choose ones which you want to learn more about or maybe an area to revise. There are lessons on telling the time and additional Measuring lessons on Mass and Capacity if you wanted more practice.


Year 3 Interactive Classroom



This week we will be using White Rose Week 11 resources. You will be learning all about mass and capacity. The videos for each lesson can be found HERE and the resources can be found below.


This week we will be using White Rose resources and have provided 2 options for you to choose from: 

Option 1: Fractions (Ordering, Adding, Subtracting and Problem solving with fractions.) Use teaching videos from Week 8  w/c 15th June.

Option 2: Draw lines (measuring), 2D and 3D shapes, Time. Use teaching videos from Week 10 w/c 29th June


BBC Bitesize also provide daily lessons in conjunction with the learning on White Rose so you can check out their resources and lesson ideas as well.


This week we will be using White Rose resources and have provided 2 options for you to choose from: 

Option 1: Equivalent Fractions / Comparing Fractions. Use teaching videos from Week 7 w/c 8th June

Option 2: Angles and Lines. Use teaching videos from Week 9 w/c 22nd June


BBC Bitesize also provide daily lessons which support and coincide with the learning on White Rose so you can check out their resources and lesson ideas as well.



This week we are carrying on with the lessons offered on Oak Academy  - Angles and Shape. Our focus is now on learning about shapes and we have added the links to the lessons below. 
