Week 3 15.11.21
Suggested timetable:
Independent or Guided with an adult Reading time - 20 minutes.
English - around 1 hour.
Break time - try and be active!
Maths games - 20 minutes - either times tables videos and games on the internet or perhaps make up their own maths game!
Maths - around 1 hour
Lunch time - 1 hour, again, stay active!
Afternoon subject - around 1 hour
Independent or Guided with an adult Reading time - 20 minutes.
We are continuing with our Funny bones story writing. So far, we have read the story in class and described the setting using adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. All these help to make our writing detailed and interesting for the reader!
This week....
Identify the three main characters in the story.
Discuss what we already know about them.
What else might we like to find out?
Childrenn to come up with relevant questions in pairs and write on small whiteboard.
HOT SEATING Teacher/adult in role as each of the characters (big skeleton, little skeleton and dog skeleton) and chn ask questions.
Create a new character (skeleton) for the story. Ask to chn to think about what type of skeleton it could be and what it could do.
Model write a description incorporating the S.C. Focus the same as last week but also introduce powerful verbs/adverbs for what the character does. Write one paragraph each for the following sub-headings:
What they like to do
Write a description of their character to include what they look like, what they like to do and personality. Use writing frame to help if needed.
Give children the starter activity where they have to read the extract on the flipchart and then decide what speech needs to go into the speech bubbles for each funnybones character.
Go through the next slide showing the text and highlight features of speech used.
Teacher/adult models how to change a speech bubble into direct speech using the next page of the flipchart as an aid. Repeat with next few pages on small whiteboards. Ensure children understand the rules of speech and how to correctly punctuate.
Children to copy the paragraph into their books including the direct speech punctuation.
Start with Warm up powerpoint.
Use Ppt to look at how speech is punctuated, discussing each part of the S.C.
Chn practise writing direct speech for one speaker on paper
Move onto how we indicate there is a new speaker. Explain the rule 'New speaker, new line' Chn to practise punctuating direct speech for two speakers on paper or in books.
Children to use the speech bubbles to first write what each skeleton might say in the story. Then glue it into their books and underneath write the speech down in a paragraph using inverted commas. Think about what was happening for the skeletons to say that and write that short paragraph.
Remind chn of their role plays for different Funnybones stories. Discuss the settings and characters. Explain chn will be writing their own Funnybones story. Discuss potential ideas for the setting and characters. Record on flipchart: Settings - description Characters – what they say and do
Children complete a visual story map of their version of funny bones. Only including pictures for the beginning – middle - end of their story. No need to draw pictures for every single event; just the main parts.
Please keep yourself active and take part in a Joe Wicks workout or a Jumpstart Johnny. Both can be found by searching on Youtube. Have fun!
Remember... Healthy Body, Healthy and happy mind!
Intro - What are bones for? Who else has bones? Make a flipchart of ideas. What do they look like? Feel like? Hard/soft?
The following video is a good introduction to the human skeleton and its functions –
Use power point to teach about the skeleton, this also introduces the activity that the children go off and do.
In science books.
Children to have pieces of the human skeleton to glue and stick in the correct position. They should then label (teacher led) the main bones in our body. Teacher to use flipchart to teach from. Children label as teacher explains.
Underneath skeleton, children to write brief paragraph on the functions of the skeleton and its importance.