Week 6 6.12.21
Afternoon Activities
Tuesday - Art - Stonehenge. Find out more about Stonehenge by speaking to your adults, using books and also the internet. What is special about is? Where is it? What does it look like? How big is it? Your task! Create Stonehenge as a piece of artwork. In school, we are using oil pastels to create a sunset background, like the picture below. But you might even create a 3D model using modelling materials you might find in the house, like things from your recycling, or even magazine / newspaper strips to build up the simple shapes of Stonehenge. Have fun - I can't wait to see what you get up to!
Monday - PSHE - Community. Write down the word Community in the middle of a piece of paper. What does it mean? Draw communities you are a part of e.g. School, Clubs, Family, Faith communities. What makes them special? Write a few sentences telling me what makes communities special to be a part of. How do they make you feel? What is good about them?