Hello 3MC and 3HN,
Today is Fabulous Friday and a very special day at Didsbury Road Primary School. We are celebrating our school values today and in particular HAPPINESS! Everyone at school will be taking part in lessons which make them feel happy and we want you to do the same!
Friday 25th September 2020
Happiness Day Timetable for Year 3
- English: Continue with the final paragraph of your non-chronological report about the happiest school there is…DRPS!!
- Singing and Music! Record yourself dancing and singing along to your favourite music! This releases ‘happy hormones’. Email in your clips so we can compile a year 3 movie.
- Click on the links below to listen to the year 3 teachers’ favourite songs. Please only follow these links. Do not watch other videos without your parents’ permission.
- Mrs Norbury:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aNxQ3xICqU
- Mrs Holmes:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67CN8FOCc84
- Miss Cropper:
- Mrs Milne:
- Nature Art: being outdoors and connecting with nature helps you feel happy. Complete the Cave Art Activity on our home learning page.
- Happiness Bunting: Using the stencil below or perhaps make your own outline (triangle shape.) We would like you to decorate your bunting showing what makes your truly happy. It could be a drawing of the beach, flowers and sunshine, music, photos/drawing of loved ones, sport – whatever makes you smile and your heart feel all warm and lovely!
Be creative and bright and decorate both sides.
On your return to school, please bring this with you so we can display it in our classroom.
Happiness Bunting
PE is extremely important to keep your body healthy but also your mind happy and healthy. How about waking your body up by doing this short workout. You could do this in between your lessons, give you a brain break and wake up your body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALrdpsWYoJs
Reading at home
Remember to read with an adult every day. Below are some questions your adults can ask you about the books you read. There is also a link to the Reading section of the website - "Must Read Books".
When you finish a book, don't forget to review it! You can present your book review in any way you wish. You could write your review on paper, or present your book review in an alternative way for example as a video. The links to those reviews are below.
A range of book reviews Watch the video from 48 seconds.
These are the common exception words that we hope the children can spell by the end of Year 4. We have included Y2-4 so that you can work with your children on spellings relevant to them. Words sent home for homework are linked to the no nonsense spellings, which is a spelling teaching structure that we use in school.
Remember to use a range of strategies;
Look Say Cover Write CHech (LSCWrCh)
Shape doodles
Post its around the house
Snap games
Missing letters
Mnemonics e.g. because = big elephants can't always use side exits
Rhythm e.g. difficulty = Mrs D Mrs I Mrs FFI Mrs C Mrs U Mrs LTY
Maths Activities
We are learning about rivers. Can you do any research about where rivers start and end?
What are the different parts of rivers called?
Can you locate rivers in the UK?
Can you locate rivers around the world?
What can you find out about the River Mersey?
How do rivers form?
Learn all about rivers on Espresso or Oddizzi
Espresso https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/ Username student6832 Password didsburyroad
Oddizzi https://www.oddizzi.com/ Username: DRPSY3 Password: yearthree
History Stone Age
We have just started to learn about the Stone Age and last week we look at a settlement (place where the tribe lived). We started to notice what types of jobs the tribe did.
Please load up the powerpoints to learn more about the Stone Age and in particular, the types of shelters and how they changed over time.
There is a lovely activity where we would like you draw the different types of shelters. You could either print off the sheet or draw it on your own paper.
Science: Light
You can use the activity sheets (See link below) if it helps you choosing the 1, 2 or 3 star or present the work how you would like to.
Lesson 2: Reflective Surfaces LO: To notice that light is reflected off surfaces Work through the Powerpoint presentation Reflective Surfaces. (see link below) Watch these videos. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/ztcg9j6 https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/s2_light/mirrors_reflections/index.html https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/s2_light/how_we_see/index.html More detailed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDRTmymuNyE
If you have a torch shine it onto different materials (Eg DVDs, tin foil, paper, different fabrics, bubble wrap, cardboard, shiny surfaces, metal) around your home to see how reflective they are and decide which would be best to use for a reflective strip on a school bag. See slide 7.
Remember some phones have torches. If you don’t have access to a torch then you could draw some labelled diagrams and write some sentences to show what you have learnt about reflective surfaces after watching the videos.
Lesson 2 Resources
Art: Cave Art
Stone Age men and women used natural sources for their ' pencils and paint'. Imagine you are alive in the 'Stone Age'. Explore your garden. What can use find to make marks and create colour? Create an 'Earth Tones Colour Palette' using all the natural sources in your garden. Eg- red from berries, green from the grass/leaves. Try crushing them to release the colour. Please do NOT put anything near your mouth, take care near thorns, nettles, brambles and wash your hands afterwards. You can complete the activity in last week's home learning too.