Didsbury Road Primary School

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For today's spelling activity, load up the power point to learn the definitions of the words, and then complete the spelling activity sheet.


Think back to your science lesson last week on Fossils and how they are formed.

Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9bbkqt/articles/z2ym2p3 to help remind you.

You could also load up the power point from last week’s science lesson.

Watch the teaching video from Miss Cropper on today’s activity.

Now use the planning sheet to write down notes on how a fossil is formed as you will need it tomorrow when you write your explanation.

English Thursday 28th Jan.mp4

Still image for this video


The teaching video for this lesson is in the video centre

Warm Up

Today we are going to consolidate and practise our 2,4 and 8 x tables and division facts

Practise chanting these 3 sets of x tables at home and then test yourself on Hit The Button. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

You will need this practise for the activity today.

Main Activity

Today we are going to use our 2,4 and 8 x table and division facts

Please watch the teaching video lesson. The video is too long for this page so please view it in the Video Centre.

Please work through the Thursday Power Point to make sure you understand what was mentioned in the video.

Complete the Thursday activity. This can be printed out or write answers in your home learning book. Please don’t copy all of the questions out, just write your answers. Use any jottings and methods you would like to work out your answers in your book too, just like we do at school!

Check your work alongside the answers.


Using Q8 as a model, can you write 3 of your own word problems where you have to use the 2,4 and 8x table facts to solve them? Challenge yourself and see if someone else at home can answer them!


MISTAKE- sorry year 3 I say 'Bezoar' incorrectly on the video it is Be-zoar (rhymes with more)

Who was Mary Anning?

Watch the teaching video below which helps you to learn about the extraordinary lady, Mary Anning.

Then watch the video about Mary Anning's Life.

Finish by sharing what you know by completing the reading comprehension about her (you can choose which level suits you best: 1, 2 or 3 star).
