Summer 2
Week commencing 1st July 2024
What a busy week, the children have:
* been learning about people who help us - we learnt about the different roles that people have in the world
* discussed what they would want to be when they grow up and it was lovely to see what roles they inspire to be
* designed and created a matching card pair game on purplemash, it was lovely to see their faces light up when they beat their own game. You can find this in the 2DIY section called PAIRS GAME using your purplemash login
* created some beautiful colourful chicks on the making table. We are really working hard at practising our cutting skills here, and I was so impressed with children's circle cutting to create the heads and body
* shined in their drawing and painting skills - they were able to draw a farm animal and then use the water colours to create the colour they want - we worked out how to make pink, orange, brown and much more - so much exploring was done here...very proud!
* drew their very own farm map design and I loved how they thought out where the animals will stay in each section of their farm - brilliant!
Week commencing 24th June 2024
What a busy farm week we had this week:
* the children had a fabulous time at Reddish Vale farm and we had so much fun feeding the animals and petting the little bunnies and hamsters
* the children also created some beautiful pom pom chicks as part of their D and T project. It took us a while to get the hang of threading the wool through the hoop, but what a fantastic fine motor skills activity.
* the children also continued their journey of AI and watched how their drawings came to life using artificial intelligence website. Here is the link, if you wish to try at home
* the children have learnt the names of baby animals and mummy animals and we were so good at matching the babies to their mummies.
* the children also enjoyed the story WHAT THE LADYBIRD HEARD NEXT and they loved how clever the ladybird was
* we also learnt how to do some beautiful paintings of farm animals
Week commencing 17th June 2024
What a very busy week we have had, this week the children have:
* observed, waited and were surprised with our ten little chick eggs, it was amazing to see them hatch out!
* have practised recognising, saying and sorting phoneme objects, things that begin with S A T P I. Can they spot things in the home that begin with these phonemes?
*learnt about farm animals and their names
* sorted out the differences between farm and zoo animals... it was quite tricky for lots of us...we will still need to practise this more?
* have started out Andy Warhol 'chicken pop art', the children are fabulous at drawing chickens and are having a great time creating pop art... you can always explore Andy Warhol at home too, he has created many fantastic pieces of art.
* we have recapped on 3d shapes and have made buildings, played 'I spy' and copy this creation
* created some fluffy sheep using cotton wool
* draw and written our own life cycle of a chicken using our phonics skills
* have been introduced to artificial intelligence, where Mrs Kaur showed the children how her drawing came to life.. more of this next week as the children are keen to let their drawings come to life too!
* created some gorgeous fluffy chicks with playdough... and so much more....